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Hokusai PDX
Oil paintings by Jim Ayala now available as posters!
Hokusai PDX Poster
Katsushika Hokusai (1760 -1849)
Jim's poster honors Katsushika Hokusai's
magnificent Great Wave woodblock
print. Hokusai, was a master painter
and print maker. He lived in Tokyo when it
was known as Edo.
Hokusai is best known for his woodblock ukiyo-e prints, but he also worked in a
variety of mediums including painting and
book illustration. Starting as a young child, he continued working and improving his style until his death, aged 88.
Hokusai PDX poetically blends the Great Wave with the beauty and charm of the Portland, Oregon, region. Why "PDX"? It's
the airport designation for Portland and Oregon.
The poster reveals three key elements:
Roses - the city of Portland is renown for its public rose gardens and affectionately known as the City of Roses.
Dragon Boats - these sleek and colorful crafts have graced the Willamette River for over thirty years!
Mt Hood - the majesty and royal beauty of this mountain can be seen in the distance. A silent treasure in the region.
The Hokusai PDX Posters
Full color digital print
Large: $30 - 251/2" W x 18" H
Small: $18 - 18" W x 11" H
Select ORDER to buy your poster.
Currently exhibited and available at Four Corners Frame Shop, Seattle, WA - - All rights reserved - East West Desgns - Copyright 2022
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